Bob Saget has the ability to control the weather, sports events, world politics, and
yes, even Reggis Philbin. Now if that doesn't prove he's God...
Bob Saget can see into the future. He has know for a long time that it will one day
be revealed that the Olsen Twins are really aliens sent from the far galaxy Xarinw$ to
take control of Earth's men and bring them back for the Grand Fest of Acaphompia...
The two headed whore of the planet Necortornaica. It will be Bob Saget who saves
the day when he makes love to the Olsen Twins on their 18th birthday thus trapping
them in a paradox universe. Its deep stuff man. Thankfully we have Bob Saget to
understand these things, and thankfully he takes this information and compacts it into
an affordable and popular book... The Bible fool, HE'S GOD, REMEMBER?
Bob Saget is the greatest dancer of all time!
If Bob Saget really wanted you dead all he would have to do is snap his fingers,
luckily for you he is usually to busy making fart jokes... FUNNY FART JOKES!
*POOT... POFF* HA! Speaking of farts, when Bob Saget farts he often blows down
entire sky-scrapers with one blow... Now thats some holy shit! Now that pun was
intended! He has to wear a special pair of wind resistant boxer shorts designed by
NASA in order to avoid catastrophes... Unless he is in France, cause lets face it, even
Bob can't stand those cocky French Bastards! The only good things to come out of
France were kissing and bad words, otherwise its just a rotten sewage drain!