Yeah, so its been like over 2 months since I last updated this... But considering
the fact that I no longer even own a computer or have access to the Internet (I
had to sneak into the library just to write all this), I think I should be forgiven...
And Bob Saget demands that his faithful followers forgive others, SO HA!
So in less than one months time I will be meeting the Lord and Saviour himself.
Bob Saget will be performing at the Funny Farm Comedy Club in Atlanta Ga. I
strongly urge anyone in the Atl. area to check this event out... This is a once
and a lifetime opportunity. I missed Bob when he was in Jacksonville Florida a
few years ago, and again a few months ago when he was in Virginia. I swear to
you Bob, this time I will make it!
So I still need help with the Church of Saget... i'm guessing it's going to cost
about 2.5 million dollars just to bribe the government to make the Church of
Saget and official church. And considering I probably have 2 dollars in my bank
account, i'm calling on you good people to help me out. If you would like to
contribute a small donation to the greatest cause on earth, please as soon as possible!
More to come soon....