Long Long Ago, In A
galaxy FAR FAR AWAY... Actually it was quite close,
but anyways... There was a
Country that sought a new
leader, a new resolution, a NEW
WORLD ORDER! That Country needed a man to take charge and put
the people in power once again...
That man is Bob Saget!
America, its time that we
come together and tell those hypocrites in D.C.
We're ready for a change, we
are ready for Bob Saget!!! We
will no longer put up with the
corruption, the greed, and
the irresponsibility.
America is ready, and
Bob Saget is willing to
take on the cause!
In 2004 put a real man in
to power... Vote for
Bob Saget!
Washington is trembling with fear. The
bastards in power know that the time
for change is coming... They fear the
power of Bob Saget, and so they
should. America its time to make your
voice heard, its time to say we want
Bob Saget!!!
This endorsement brought to you by Funny man campaign 2004 bobsagetisgod.com ` `